I used Topix.net to complete this Thing. I found it interesting that Westover, Maryland news was listed. It even talked about Skills USA. Like I said, Big Brother is watching.
I signed up for my Bloglines today. I chose my two favorite topics: Dogs and Food. Even though it might be great for some people, I don't know how I will find time to check this for updates.
Most people love technology. I have seen the opposite side of technology. I have seen someone losing all of there data and having big brother watch over your shoulder. It also takes a lot of time to learn how to use technology correctly.
In exploring Flickr mashups and 3rd party tools, I found a web app for creating your own calendar. Check out Printr Killr. I can create a calendar that meets the needs of my busy life which includes pictures of those wonderful Chesapeake Bay Retrievers.